Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Jesus Never Made Excuses, So Why Should We?

Wow, what a crazy week and a half it has been! From teaching 5th grade to my brother getting married in Kentucky. I've been running around like a chicken with its head cut off! Here I am enjoying a peaceful afternoon on my patio writing for all my beloved readers. Thank goodness for things like Spring Break. I have definitely needed it and deserved it. I can only handle so much of 89 smelly, rude, 5th graders. Love them dearly but need a breather every once and a while.

Anyway, as I was in Kentucky for my brother's wedding {which was absolutely beautiful, and I may or may not have cried during the entire ceremony--pics later! Of the wedding, not me crying}someone suggested I write my next blog on excuses [Thanks, Ali :)] I thought it was the perfect thing to write my next post on since I had nothing else lined up.

Even before I began this journey to lose weight and become a healtheir me, I made excuses for everything. I was lazy. Selfish. Stubborn. Self-centered. And sometimes just didn't care about anything. I was the QUEEN of excuse making. If it wasn't my homework,  it was my bible lesson. If it wasn't cleaning my room, it was practicing pitching. Whatever it was, trust me, I had an excuse. Someway for me to get out of it. And, a lot of times, I did. I'm not sure when I decided to stop making excuses for my weight. It's like I woke up one day, and I was so fed up with the way I looked and felt, and I was ready to do something about it. I had tried so many times before to lose weight, but of course the curse of the excuse followed close behind. "I'll start on Monday!" "It's too cold or too hot to go outside and exercise." "I'm tired." "I'll workout in an hour." "What's a couple of oreoes gonna hurt?" I could go on for days with all the excuses I made. Absolutely pathetic. I was so sick of failing not only myself but God. He had given me this body that I was to treat as a temple: sacred, pure, and holy, and I was completely destroying it. After all He had done for me, I couldn't take care of this one thing?! And so, the journey began.

Let me say this, for all of you who have followed me on this journey and have said "I could never do that," or "I just don't have the willpower," you're wrong. SO wrong. If my 204 pound self could step away from the cheetos, lace up my tennis shoes, and become healthier, so can you. Stop making excuses for yourself! Jesus NEVER made excuses for anything. Aren't we to be just as he was? I promise that success is a lot more fulfilling and rewarding than failure is. Anyone knows that. My group of 5th grade students are the most unmotivated, lazy, self-centered children I have ever taught. I've never seen such. It's so bad that I would leave the school in my car crying every day. I was to the point where I had no idea what to do with them. I had tried EVERYTHING! They didn't listen to me, they didn't turn in their homework, they didn't study, they NEVER shutup, they were disrespectiful, they bullied, they argued, yadda, yadda, yadda. So, one day, I showed them this YouTube video... Motivational Speech: Secrets to Success One of my favorite quotes comes from this speech..."When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful." Wow. That can apply to any aspect of our lives: our jobs, ouur relationships, our spiritual life, our health, etc. Let's just say the excuses in my classroom have come to a halt. {A lot of other things changed as well besides me showing them this video, but it helped!} I explained to my students that in order to be successful, no one was going to spoon feed them the information they needed, no one was going to do the work for them. I was so sick of hearing excuses coming out of their mouths. So, I put it to a stop. The environment in which I teach now is enjoyable. I love waking up each morning to go to school. I enjoy seeing their smiling faces walking through my door each morning. I enjoy getting to know them better at lunch. All because one thing changed...their attitude.
People, you want things to change? STOP MAKING EXCUSES! Do something about it. Go out and be somebody. Shine your light. Make people stop and stare and say, "WOW!" {It's an incredible feeling.} It starts with you. No one can do it for you.

So, I ask you, are you treating your body like a temple of God? If not, what are you "weighting" for?

Press on, my strong, capable friends, press on.

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