When I first started trying to lose weight almost seven months ago, I HATED to run. Seriously, what human wants to go outside and run until you can barely breathe, have sweat dripping from all parts of your body, and you feel as if your knees could give way at any time? Well, I used to think that way. "Running is the stupidest thing I have never wanted to do," were my thoughts. I decided to give it a shot (well a couple shots to be honest because the first few runs were just absolutely miserable and a complete failure.) I bought cute running clothes, running shoes, an arm band to hold my iPhone, and all the cute accessories I thought I needed. I set out on that first run with the mindset, "Finish one mile. No matter how long it takes you. Don't stop. Just run a mile without stopping, Macy." I think I got right around the corner from my house before I stopped. I thought I was about to fall out and die right there on the street. So, I tried again the next day...and the next day...and again the next day. It took me about a week before I was able to run a mile without stopping. My time averaging about 11:30...I thought I was awesome! And, that day I was. I accomplished something I was not able to do before.
My relationship with running was very rocky at first. I would go some weeks where I would run about three times a week and then the next week I may run once or not at all. Let's just say by month two of running, I did not love it. I didn't even like it. I tolerated it. Actually, tolerated is being generous. I hated it. Every second I was running, I hated it. I couldn't wait to be finished. I was in no way dedicated to exercise and because of my half-hearted efforts towards exercising, I was getting half-hearted results. That was about the time I changed my eating habits. I continued to "run" and because I changed my eating habits, the weight slowly started to come off. Once I lost 15 pounds, running wasn't half as hard as it was before. And you'll never guess what happened...I started to enjoy running! Once Christmas Break arrived, I had lost about 18 pounds. Some of you know, my dad is a huge runner...addicted would be the word to use, so over Christmas Break, we ran...and ran...and ran some more. By the end of Christmas Break I was able to run two miles without stopping. AND my average pace was 10:15! So, Christmas Break came to an end and back to Tuscaloosa I went. This is where it gets good people...
Okay, so I told you I started to enjoy my running a little more over Christmas Break...When I got back to Tuscaloosa, I had lost 5 more pounds. I was 20 pounds down! You have no idea how many times over the past 5 years I had said to myself, "If you could just lose 20 pounds, you would look so much better." Well, my friends, I had done it...BUT I wanted more. Instead of focusing all of my attention on weight loss, I took this chance to focus my obedience towards God. My daily runs quickly turned into alone time with God. I was no longer running for myself but for Him. Before each run I would pray, "Dear Lord, please give me the strength to finish this run today." And, I would. I finished each run with ease and then I simply thanked Him in return. Now, listen to this...a few weeks ago I was running down by the River Walk enjoying the beautiful handiwork of the Lord and this gorgeous bluebird flew out of nowhere and hovered in front of me as I ran. I watched this absolutely amazing bird flutter in front of me and in those 15 seconds of watching, I felt as if the Lord spoke directly to me. He said, "Macy, you are capable of more. Push yourself today beyond what you think you can do. Don't stop until you can't take another step. Fight through the pain. I promise it will be worth it when you finish." I smiled, and I stood a little taller. That day I ran 4 miles without stopping. As I neared the end of my run, one single tear fell from my eye and I prayed this prayer, "Lord, thank you for believing in me. Thank you for pushing me and for giving me the strength when I didn't think I had any left." Here's the thing though...I wasn't using my own strength to run those 4 miles. I used His. Never in all my 23 years of living have I had God give me such clear directions for something that physically demanding. I was solely running on faith. I put my complete trust in the Lord. I quit running with my legs, and I started running with my heart.
Now, I went back to running my 2 miles after that day and slowly increased my mileage each week till I was up to 3 miles. Today, running is my favorite part of the day. Running allows me to tell God what's been bothering me that day or it allows me to ask God who I should be reaching a hand out to that week. It allows me to thank God for every undeserved blessing in my life. It allows me to soak in the awe-inspiring work of the Lord. How can you run beside a river just as the sun is hitting it and reflecting shimmers of light or watch the squirrels run between trees and collect nuts and not think about the One who created all that? How?!
Just last week as I was running at the River Walk, as I do every day, a sweet old man stopped me and said, "I see you here every day running your little heart out, and you always do it with a smile. You are an inspiration, and I hope you continue to run." Well my goodness, bless that precious soul. I guess I never really realized I was smiling when I ran, but I am glad someone noticed.
Needless to say, the love of God motivated me to run and still does. Today, I can say I LOVE to run. A day without running is a day wasted. Stop making excuses. Stop acting like you can't run. There are people out there who physically can't run, and if you aren't one of those people, consider yourself lucky. Yes, lucky that you are capable of running. Take advantage of that. Stop saying you have no will power. I've used all of those excuses and more. If my fat 204 pound self could get out there and run, so can you. No excuses. Run with your heart...not your legs.
"My mom loves to say the best kind of exercise is the kind you'll do." -Made to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst. If running isn't your kind of exercise, find something you like and just do it!
So, I ask you...are you treating your body as a temple of God? If not, what are you "weighting" for?
Until next time...press on, my friends, press on.
"Teach me Your way, O Lord. I will walk in Your truth. Unite my heart to fear Your name. I will praise You, O Lord my God, with all my heart, and I will glorify Your name forevermore." Psalm 86:11-12
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